Posts Tagged ‘cooking food’

Raw vs Cooked

September 21, 2011

This is one of those times that our Western linear/duality mindset can create problems. Some people seem to do better on raw diets, others on cooked, still others (and perhaps the majority) want both in their diets. In general, vitamins and enzymes are higher in raw food; however, certain other nutrients are higher when food is cooked.  Many traditional cultures eat certain foods raw in season, while other traditional healing systems say that raw food should only be eaten in the middle of the day, or if one’s constitution “safely”enables one to do so. For many folks, too much raw food can create loose stools; conversely, not enough may contribute to constipation. Once again, balance, and discovering our own bodily wisdom will enable each of us to eat healthily.

Here are some interesting scientific findings regarding raw and cooked food (all coming from the database  ):

milk is much more effective a increasing weight in very low birth weight babies.

eggplant may have a higher antioxidant capacity than raw eggplant.

artichokes profoundly increases the bioaccessibility of health-promoting,
antioxidant constitutents.

vegetables increases the antioxidant capacities of carrots, courgettes
(zucchini), and broccoli.

cooking increases glucose, insulin and C-peptide responses and lowers satiety
and beta carotene levels versus raw ones.

infants show improved growth when receiving mother’s own raw milk compared with
pasteurized donor milk.

and cooked garlic have comparable effects on reducing indices of

broccoli results in faster absorption, higher bioavailability, and higher peak
plasma amounts of sulforaphane, compared to cooked broccoli.
 …however, you if are hypothyroid, you’ll want to cook your Brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussel sprouts, etc., as they are goitrogenic (thyroid-depressing) when eaten raw.

cooking significantly improves in vitro bile acid binding of collard greens,
kale, mustard greens, broccoli, green bell pepper, and cabbage.

milk consumption (relative to boiled) is inversely associated to asthma, atopy
and hay fever.

and speaking of raw milk, I’ve been eating yogurt and kefir made from raw goat and cow’s milk for over 12 years….and pasteurized milk used to make me ill. One of my earliest memories from childhood was of my mom catching me pouring milk down the laundry drain! After that, I got milk with chocolate in it so I would drink my milk…

Here are some great links to the current “raw milk controversy” from :

Why all the hub-bub about raw

By now you have probably learned about the
FDA’s long history of criminal action, such as conducting illegal,
armed, SWAT-style raids on farmers, cancer treatment pioneers, dietary
supplement manufacturers and private buying clubs such as Rawesome Foods. (Read
more here: )

What the FDA isn’t telling

The FDA has long waged
a campaign of fear and intimidation against natural product providers for the
sole purpose of crushing the natural products industry and thereby handing Big
Pharma a monopoly over disease treatment medicines.

This pattern of government tyranny and monopolistic
practices aimed against innocent Americans and small business owners is
now robbing you of your access to the incredible health benefits of
unprocessed dairy.

You’ll understand why raw milk considered such a threat to
the FDA’s campaign of disinformation after you listen to these
incredible audio lectures.

In this comprehensive lecture set — equivalent to seven
audio CDs and five PowerPoint presentations — you’ll learn about the privileged
status of raw milk in Europe, and you’ll understand more than ever before
why raw milk delivers superior nutrition over processed,
pasteurized “dead” milk.

Click here to learn more
about this audio collection and the real reasons you should be drinking raw

 Bon appetite!