Archive for July, 2016

Please Sign Petition to Obama: Veto the DARK Act

July 20, 2016

Our illustrious Congress has completely caved to the GMO lobby, passing an awful bill that would make GMO labeling non-mandatory, using smart phone apps, and not even applying to several GMO ingredients. It could not have been much worse for consumers wishing to know the origin of their foods’ ingredients. So here’s the big petition to urge President Obama to veto this bill (and fulfill his campaign promise of 8 years ago):

You can buy organic, but many folks don’t have access to organic foods. Ditto for Farmer’s Markets. Let’s allow the ability to educate one’s self.

My Fourth Of July Message

July 3, 2016

Dear Friends,

Here are some fascinating points to ponder as we celebrate our nation’s independence:

And reading these reminded me how easy it is to vilify and judge without adequate info and facts.

May your holiday be safe, fun, and healthy.