Archive for the ‘Hugelkultur’ Category

Why haven’t you heard from me in awhile?

July 7, 2015

Back in the beginning of this year I had decided to start-up my blog again because four projects were incubating.

Well. What actually happened was a bad auto accidents on March 23rd in which a semi hit my little Honda on I 25. My car was spun across three lanes of traffic and ended up jammed into an embankment. The subsequent whiplash (yes I was wearing my seatbelt) broke my neck and sternum and bruised all my right side ribs.

So. After ten and a half weeks of being in a neck brace 24/7 I am now rebuilding mobility and strength and am launched upon this unexpected learning journey. Because I was in excellent health before the accident, my progress in the words of my neurosurgeon is “cautiously optimistic.” I have received a stupendous amount of help, food, prayers, support and love from numerous friends, neighbors and readers and I am deeply grateful to be alive. Who I was before the accident is not who I am becoming…the journey’s path unfolds before me…

Now about these four projects:

Two of them involving my greenhouse and garden are continuing in a very reducedĀ  manner as I heal. Hopefully with excellent help, they will manifest sometime next year.

The other two are Iris Herbal Projects; one involves pain relief and the second is a set of oils that are based upon Chinese Five Element Theory. My hope is to manifest these in the next year or so as well. Because I experienced some mild to moderate traumatic brain injury from the accident, I am now more dependent upon others in running my business. Where before I had almost boundless energy and drive, I now experience the steep learning curve of patience, persistence and delight in small steps.