Posts Tagged ‘GMO hazards to health’

The Latest On Monsanto and Round-Up

August 7, 2017

Not Pretty:

Glyphosate in Food and Vaccines: Action Alert

September 22, 2016

New evidence says yes. Action Alert!

report published last week found glyphosate in a number of childhood vaccines. Now more study is needed to learn more about the presence of other weedkiller ingredients in both our vaccines and our food.

Keep in mind that absolutely no studies have been done on the toxicity of weedkiller when injected into children. The US Environmental Protection Agency analyzed Monsanto’s self-serving safety studies on the potential toxicity when glyphosate is ingested, but not when it is injected. EPA documents studying how the body metabolizes glyphosate (that is, how it moves through the body)  found that glyphosate shows up in bone marrow thirty minutes after injection.

We are also starting to understand more about why glyphosate is linked to so many health problems. Glyphosate is chemically very similar to glycine, an essential amino acid. This is important because glyphosate may be displacing glycine when our cells create proteins. This would result in proteins not being formed properly and not being able to perform their usual functions. Researchers think this mechanism may be a factor behind the modern world’s explosion of disease, including obesity, diabetes, autism, mitochondrial disorders, liver disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

Glycine is a critical component of bone, cartilage, and collagen, which helps explain why glyphosate shows up so quickly in bone marrow and in gelatin products.

Glyphosate may be changing the biochemistry of our bodies, and this may happen at very low concentrations. One part per billion of glyphosate is 3,561,000,000,000 molecules of weedkiller, and each one of those molecules is capable of altering a protein’s structure.

The report finding glysophate in childhood vaccines was sponsored and released by Moms Across America. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup and other herbicides. The results showed that a DTap vaccine, a flu vaccine, a Hepatitis B vaccine, and a pneumonoccal vaccine all had levels of glyphosate. The MMR II vaccine had levels up to twenty-five times higher than the other vaccines.

These findings were corroborated by Anthony Samsel, a researcher who works with Dr. Stephenie Seneff of MIT. This team has been researching the effects of glyphosate for years. Not only did Samsel find detectable levels of glyphosate in vaccines, he also found it in products containing gelatin, such as gummy vitamins for children, protein powders, and Jell-o.

Top scientists questioning GMO, such as professor of molecular biology Gilles-Eric Séralini, have also pointed out that so-called inert ingredients used with glysophate are anything but inert. The government has ignored them because of the manufacturer’s claim that they are inert, but some of them may be much, much more toxic than even glyphosate. If glyphosate is getting into vaccines and foods, what about these other, barely studied ingredients?

As our own testing of common breakfast foods for glyphosate showed, this weedkiller is increasingly permeating our entire food system. How much more evidence must accrue for regulators to do some credible testing of their own?

Action Alert! Call on the CDC to check vaccines for glyphosate, as well as for other ingredients used with glyphosate noted in the EPA’s study. Please send your message immediately.


Having Trouble Finding A Word To Describe This!

April 23, 2013

Because we are inundated with hyperbole about the latest outrage, whether it’s about something genuinely awful like the Boston bombs, or something fake awful like some celebrity’s fill-in-the-blank. It is hard not to feel compassion/caring fatigue.

But this takes my personal cake today: GMO wheat with the very real possibility of affecting our genes, and even worse, how those genes express. And because we have no labeling laws, you won’t know you are eating it….and wheat is in just about everything packaged.

So, here is the summary:

 Research conducted on a new type of GM wheat showed with “no doubt” that molecules created in the wheat, which are intended to silence wheat genes to change its carbohydrate content, may match human genes and potentially silence them.

  • Experts warned that eating the wheat could lead to significant changes in the way glucose and carbohydrates are stored in the human body, which could be potentially deadly for children and lead to serious illness in adults.
  • Long-term studies are needed before the wheat is released into the environment and the human food chain – but a new review states that the risks are still not being adequately assessed.

And HERE is the whole article.