A Ray of Hope



If you have been upset lately by the avalanche of bad news: nuclear weapons threats, malfeasance, lying, corruption, school shootings, police shootings, ad nauseum, here is a 5 minute antidote.


4 Responses to “A Ray of Hope”

  1. sheryl kirk Says:

    Thank you. That was beautiful.  Sheryl

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  2. MPTC Says:



  3. karen wilkes Says:

    Oh Cathy! What a beautiful video!!! And the timing was perfect as I had just listened to the news…… ugh. (I actually would have used a much harsher word that starts with “f” which is now, apparently, my favorite word to use as a noun, verb, adjective and/or pro-noun.)

    Thank you for always reaching out to heal others – one way or another.

    I hope you are feeling much better! And I hope you are ignoring, as much as you can, the outside world so you can focus on yourself. We need you in so many ways so please take good care.

    Sending you loving thoughts always – Karen ________________________________

  4. Cathy Hope, Iris Herbal Apothecary & Owner Says:

    thank you, Karen, for your kind words. I have been amazed at the outpouring of love, support, and connection I’ve received after my accident. As I learn more about the brain and brain/body connection, and how to heal from a TBI/body trauma, I will be offering that info to others. It is, unfortunately, a long healing process….and any healing journey that is worth doing is worth doing to the best of one’s ability. I’ve been humbled by how deep the healing needs to be and how long it is taking…So that is partly why i shared this music and its concept: We do not–cannot–heal in a vacuum, and that includes healing our communities.

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