Quarantine for a Case of Supposed Measles?…Forced Vaccination?

I haven’t written a whole lot about vaccination. It’s a very loaded topic! Some of the most virulent “discussion” on the internet revolves around should you vaccinate and how often and for what. But up until now there has been (mostly) the freedom to decline. Not that I or my parents would have even considered such a possibility when I lined up for my polio, tetanus or my smallpox  vaccinations. But that’s all I received…and I was in grade school. Now the schedule is for dozens of doses for dozens of diseases starting at birth and continuing through babyhood (and childhood and adolescence and adulthood), and there is lots of research showing the possible dangers of too many, too much, and  contaminated vaccines. So the freedom to choose is paramount if we desire to control what enters out body, or the bodies of our children.

Here is what is being proposed (and yes, it treats measles as a threat equal to ebola!):


We have until October 14th to comment on this abridgment of our civil rights. And FYI, there is no liability for any adverse reaction. If you or a loved one is harmed by a vaccination, you cannot sue the doctor, the pharmaceutical company or the state for requiring/administering. The courts have also ruled that vaccines are inherently unsafe (their wording)….Please take this seriously.

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